How to study?

To be able to get the most from this course and at the same time spend as little time as possible, you should study in the following way.

How to study each lesson?

Start each lesson with «Vocabulary & Grammar» – click on the document that is attached to each lesson in a pdf format. You will find it easier if you print out the document.

Step 1. Reading new words. Every «Vocabulary & Grammar» starts with a list of new words. Read these words several times, paying attention to the English translation.

Step 2. Learning words. Now read the new words and try not to look at their English translation. It is better to cover the column with the translations. If you can easily remember the meaning of each word – great! You can move onto the next step. However if you are finding this difficult, read and repeat the words as long as it takes for you to remember the meaning of every word without looking at the translation.

Step 3. Grammar and dialogues. Work through the grammar of the lesson and read the available dialogues or texts. The grammar of the course is presented in a simple and easy-to-understand way. It won’t be a problem.

Now you are ready to listen to the «Audio lesson».

Step 4. Listening. The idea behind the listening exercises is: to listen → to repeat or speak out loud → to test yourself.

  • For listening you can allocate time or listen to the audio lessons, while exercising, going to work, waiting in a queue – or at any other available time.
  • You won’t only be listening, but also speaking – repeating after the narrator, answering questions and asking your own questions.
  • First, you must always listen to the exercise. Afterwards, you need to listen to one or two examples of answers to this task. And you only speak after the following sound ♫ beep. How can you make sure that your answer is as correct as possible? That’s very easy: after every one of your answers, the narrator will say the correct answer. Here is an example:

Narrator: Задание один. Отвечайте “Нет!”  Пример: – Вы работаете? – Нет, я не работаю.
(Exercise one. You answer «No!» Example: – Are you working? – No, I am not working.) 

Narrator: – Вы отдыхаете? (Are you relaxing?)

♫ beep

Student: Нет, я не отдыхаю. (No, I am not relaxing.)
Narrator: Нет, я не отдыхаю. (No, I am not relaxing.)

  • When you are listening, try not to look at «Vocabulary & Grammar».
Voice commands

Every lesson the narrators will be using standard commands and phrases. Please, make sure that you read and listen to them before the start of the course!

Повторяйте! – Repeat!

Слушайте! – Listen!

Говорите! – Speak!

Спрашивайте! – Ask!

Отвечайте! – Answer!

Пример – Example

Новые слова – New words

Русские звуки – Russian sounds

As well as numbers 1…10:

  • один – one
  • два –  two
  • три – three
  • четыре – four
  • пять – five
  • шесть – six
  • семь – seven
  • восемь – eight
  • девять – nine
  • десять – ten

Step 5. Word retention. We recommend for you to listen to each lesson no less than three times. You should ensure that most of your answers are correct.

Good luck learning Russian!

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